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The Iceberg: 
into ACM

This project’s aim was to not only test what ACM’s capabilities were for fabrication but how a material that is used as cladding could be used as a structure, in this case, a bus shelter. As a group of 3, we conducted numerous experiments using a CNC mill; testing different score depths, perforations, while utilizing different bending techniques. The module geometry was designed in Rhino and exported in order to cut on a CNC bed using Rhino CAM software, differentiating between cut and score lines.


We decided on a modular system that could begin to orient itself off of each of the faces of the module. From there we created 1:1 mock-ups of the modules and connected them using metal rivets.  Using the folded geometry the units were able to support over 200lbs each, proving that in certain geometries ACM can be used as a structural material. Overall the project was a success and helped expand my knowledge of a popular building material and different fabrication techniques using ACM.

Regent Park
Urban Farm
Ripple Planter Wall
Masters Craft Studio
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